"This is the mistake."


"Leave it to Pluto, we'll take care of it all!"

Pluto item

We all of presidental.

Make river

Pluto region


Pluto compliance

それは少なからず、すべてに罪を着せることではありません。神はすべてに我が愛を着せるはありません。すべてなるは、すべてに、その愛を契約する Compliances を委ねます。

It is not a matter of placing blame on all, not a little. God does not place His love on all. The All-Being commits all to compliance with the covenant of His love.

Pluto Governunce


That is not something that can be forgiven. Love does not forgive the heart, and the heart does not forgive love. It is the bitterness and resentment that comes from love and the heart, and we will live in this love and heart forever.